Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Follow The Leader

Class REP's Voted In

Morning BIPlings,
Apologies again for my mysterious lack of posts of the last few days, but I started one of our textbooks last wednesday evening and I have just finished the first chapter this morning it's like wading through porridge!

Last week we had our local elections and voted in our Class Representatives, Dave Bushe, Irene Bergin and Andrew 'Red Pants' Kinsella! The Sunday Independent is rumoured to have a breaking news story about the elections for the front page this week, it all centres around the financial reporting during one of the candidates campaigns. But I digress more on the breaking news as we have it!

I attempt on a daily basis to take the temperature of the class so to speak and to understand the daily feelings, for want of a better word, of the room as a whole. With those 'feelings' in mind I have put together a 'wish list' for the reps!

  1. Printing Station - I am sure with the resources at the disposal of the academy that a simple pay per use printing station could be made available! Before someone screams 'environmentally friendly' if the cost was slightly higher than average and a recycled paper was used, also a recycling bin at the printer I am sure the carbon footprint wouldn't be anything that would keep us up at night! I am quite sure DCU main campus has several areas available for students to print.
  2. Moodle & Non Related Class Questions - Could you please for the love of God, get the message out that anything unrelated to the class in front of us, the lecturers won't (shouldn't) answer! Our face time is limited and sometimes seems to be caught up with someone who can't log on to Moodle or can't find coursework! There have been several occasions over the past 2 weeks where the lecturers have been visibly annoyed by the questions of some of our peers, there are plenty of people in the room that do know and can help! There is also a bloody helpline, use your new found power and position to influence this please!
  3. COFFEE - I cannot function without coffee and as we have the facilities, can a FUND be put in place to get some real coffee! I would gladly give a euro a week (and I am sure others would as well) to ensure we don't have to endure any more Maxwell House warm water!
  4. Social Events - It was discovered and shared that there was over 2000 years of experience in the room and the average age was 49 (my God we're old (except me!!)), I think it would definitely be no harm for you to arrange some sort of social event where in a comfortable setting the social minded among us could meet and network/chat about things other that innovation SIDEBAR: I am now constantly bombarded by the word innovation on a daily basis anybody else getting that!.
Thats all my suggestions for now, but my fingers on the pulse of the BIPlings every day I am sure it will not end here.

Breaking News
We have just received some breaking news on the Blipping Student's desk, Fianna Fail is looking to appoint Andrew Kinsella campaign manager for the next election. This comes on the back of rumours that Andrew Kinsella was supported through the campaign by Snap Printing CEO. This allegation has been strongly denied and Andrew has stated very clearly that the campaign funds were donations from 'Friends' and the money was only 'resting in his account'. Andrew refused to comment this morning but fears are now raised that he could be removed from the Technical Group similar to the way Mick Wallace was earlier in the political season! More as this story progress'!

If you have news that the BIPlings should be aware of drop me a line at BLIPPING STUDENT , as you can see we will print unfounded allegations about anybody and anything in an unprofessional loose cannon sort of way. We will have a review of last week up before too long and will get down to the issues posed this week before the weekend.

I will be back soon with some more vital news for all of you, but I better start to concentrate here!


p.s. Comments welcome but often ignored!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

More Creativity & Innovation

Top 10 Ways to Be More Creative/Innovative

Morning All,
It is a fact that if over our careers/lives we have been in an environment that has failed to foster Creativity or Innovation then it is highly likely the process may be quite alien to most of us! But like many skills a lot can be learned to improve our ability to think & act creatively in college, work or life in general.

Here are my Top 10 Ways to Foster an Innovative Mindset;

This is very important ideas and thoughts clashing and being thrown up in the air highlights strengths and weaknesses that would otherwise go unnoticed. This includes asking colleagues and customers their ideas or go for a brainstorming walk!
Your inner feelings are based on your life experiences and can very often be a great guide to successful ideas! Have lunch with a different person each day and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it!
Write down all your ideas you never know what idea or thought could make you your first million. Another way to use it is to spend 5 minutes writing down as many ideas as possible, it's amazing when you force yourself to do it what can be achieved!
Plenty have thread these roads before us and most of the time a lot of the hard work has been done for us, so as the heading suggests! But use it wisely as there is no excuse for plagiarism that's just Lazy!
Without these there is no urgency or target for the creative process! Also not having something to aim for can make us Lazy and we extend our own expectations and get nothing done!
Ask yourself 'What's the worst that could happen IF I fail' and then understand the risks & relax! The work environment is vastly more productive when it's happy.
During the Creative/Innovative periods avoid mundane and dreary tasks that are not helping to achieve goals.
Be careful with this one, but its very effective! Avoid 'NO' at all costs, management, owners tend to be more cautious with the uncertainty of ideas and plans.
It's easier to solve small problems instead of trying a big project in one go!
Acknowledge all your success' and reward yourself.

This will be especially helpful when looking at our group projects.

Until next post,

The Blipping Student

Monday, October 8, 2012

Myers Briggs - Simpsons Powerpoint

Which Type Are You?

Evening All,

Below is a link to the PowerPoint we had today on Personality Types!

It's a funny example but gets the point across. 

Good Night

The Blipping Student

Week 2 Review - Not as Easy as it Looks!

And So It Begins

Never As Easy As It Looks!

Evening All,
It seems this evening my identity has been uncovered by a few members of the course, if this is the case, ALAS, this may be my last post & chorus so to speak. I have tried in vein to keep this blog a vestitute of anonymity and ability that lay therein to challenge the thoughts of the course from day to day may now be gone! If not HAPPY DAYS see ye all tomorrow night!!

My apologies for not getting a meaningful review of last weeks "action" up sooner, it was so draining I was asleep until just after 2pm today! When Brendan's Nazi style personality analysis started. It was very subtle but you just know the weak among us could be led to the Gas Chamber at any stage!!

Taking a look back at last week, I suppose its best to continue on from my last post where I looked back at Geraldine's rubber ducky and De Vito's project! That brings us swiftly on to David Staunton on Tuesday afternoon! (Would it not be better to give the "social drinker's" among us the Monday morning off, instead of Tuesday! just a thought)

David started on a rather funny note talking about 'Fuzzy Front Ends' (projects wise) now I am not the fussiest of listeners, but I tuned out for about 5 minutes after that opener! Also during this presentation I was slightly frustrated by David going back to the old teaching mantra of 'There's no such thing as a stupid question'! Sorry David, you're a smart guy', but yes there f***ing is and its compounded by the fact that the 'stupid questions' had often been answered in either the slide on the projector or the last 5 mins of the lecture! And yes it could be a Corporate Governance issue (you know who you are), but that's like Father Jack once said 'that's an ecumenical matter'!! Venting over! Of course we were reminded as possible future Project Managers of our 'Sacred Responsibility to Disappoint' when has that happened in Ireland except after the proverbial horse has bolted!

"There are no Stupid Questions, only Stupid Questioners!" - Anon

We move on to the final day of the week, Wednesday, where we have a Geraldine - Frank double header and where you must have your wits about you! It's a long day! We started with Geraldine who began by outlining the tools required for the business analysis process. The importance of interpreting your business analysis findings and also the context in which they are arrived at.
The importance of context was no more ably demonstrated than by Geraldine's comment:

"If they are straddling each other, it's Ok"

Now those of us in attendance knew she was talking about the factors in PESTEL analysis, but hey if you just walked in!!! We moved on to review Key Success factors in business and also Key Drivers for change! Overall a great lecture & plenty of food for thought!

We move on reluctantly to Frank Munnelly's appearance with his trusted sidekick in tow!

Now I am sure Frank can do a lecture on his own, but then who would carry his Ego! After Frank had finished his impression of a stripogram by emptying all but his clothes onto the desk we began by exploring Innovative Thinking and after a cautionary tale of the Tragedies of Logic we began to drift to the Men-A-Porche (male version of the menopause!!) Frank are you trying to tell us something!

Key Points;
  1. Defer Judgement
  2. Strive for Quality
  3. Seek Wild Ideas
  4. Build on Other Ideas

Our final task of the week was to solve world hunger and oh the Irony McDonalds mentioned more than once!!

Until my next bout of verbal diarhea,

Good Night & Safe Home,

The Blipping Student

Monday, October 1, 2012

Week 2 - Down to Business

Down to Business

A Day for Searching the Soul!

Afternoon All,
Firstly thanks to Brendan today for putting the details of the Blog and Twitter feed up for the class to see, this is an opportunity for the whole class to interact and comment on the days events. While I will attempt to throw my opinion on the days info, I am far from infallible and always be receptive to the critical and constructive views of my peers! Plus this is meant to put a lighter point of view across.

We started the day with Innovation Management, with Geraldine. Today's class had much more of a college feel to it and I was immediately aware of the more focused approach to the course content and the stark realization that we were in fact here to learn! But I have a bone to pluck with Geraldine, Archimedes with a Rubber Duck in the Bath, c'mon! See Below the picture relevant to Archimedes discovery of Mass,

The picture of Archimedes with the Rubber Duck shows him discovering the Law of Buoyancy, attention to detail! Despite this rather discommoding cock up the rest of the lecture went pretty well, with us discovering more Eureka moments from inventions past, Thomas Eddison and the Lightbulb (eventually) & Pringles among them.  

The afternoon saw the introduction of Brendan Martin to proceedings a man with an enigmatic charm comparing to that of Danny DeVito , our research project leader for the course. He started his presentation with his own introduction, straight forward enough, he went on to look for the class' support in his pursuit of personal  constructive criticism with regard to his presentation slides and also reminded us to be very critical indeed of all the lecturers PowerPoint slides. He was insistent that we at every opportunity ensure that his work is of the best standard, outlining that slides should be no more than 35 words long, clear concise and without too many bullet points to ensure the reader has clarity of the message being delivered.

SLIDE 1 - 63 Words +
SLIDE 2 - 65 Words +

However when we got down to business proper Brendan gave us the QUOTE OF THE WEEK,

"Get out of yer Box"

We went on to explore our personal profiles and were sent on our way today with HOMEWORK!, now that's a new one. We have the Jung/Myers psychological profile to complete which will give us a guide to how well we play with others and interact at work. For more insight into this pretty common HR tool CLICK HERE, it will give you a guide to your responses and the Personality Type you are. It is definitely a bonus to understand the results of this test and how you can apply it in teamwork, career and interviewing. 

The practical research project represents over half the marks for the course so in reality we will be depending on the lectures and guidance of Brendan over the next couple of months to help us all get across the line with this one. I am sure I am not the only that does not know quiet what to expect from the placement phase of the course and the Team work aspect of same! I have worked in productive and destructive teams in the past and can find it very hard to conform to the politics of the workplace and the dynamics of teams, I say what I mean and mean what I say and if that upsets or offends (which it often does) then Tough Sh*t. I have a feeling the competitive nature of  teams & people and necessary confrontation that will bring about will be new to some of our class mates, but if it is taken that it will be a personal development tool we must embrace it and as Brendan highlighted we rarely get the opportunity to select our workmates and that may be similar for the tasks ahead.

With all that said it may be prudent to take the Personality Profiles a little more seriously and then evaluate ourselves and those around us to ensure where possible we create balanced teams. Ensuring all the necessary skill-sets are addressed within your team. Napoleon Hill's famous early 20th Century book 'Think and Grow Rich' highlighted the importance of 'Mastermind' groups where we ensure that we pull together people around us that will help, advise and develop us personally and professionally to ensure success. This is a task we must complete here.

We move on to Tuesday with the enlightening lecture in Project Management from David Staunton, a little bit more information on our project management lecturer HERE.

Until my next bout of Verbal Diarrhea,


Guerilla Attention Test

Count the White Team Passes Again

Focus - Focus - Focus - AAAAAHHHH Guerilla!

Hi Guys,
Just for those of you who may have missed the attention test posed by Mick Rock last week during our Induction Day, here it is again below! Post a comment on how many passes the White Team makes during the clip!!

The key points Mick highlighted during his Attitudes & Belief session were;

  1. Change your Mindset
  2. Control your Focus
  3. Be Persistent
  4. Mind Your Language
  5. Take Action

The mindset and aptitude for changing one's mindset is a very important tool, in fact people have made millions just teaching/preaching this i.e. Anthony Robbins and the like. This culminates in what Henry Ford said;

"Whether you believe you are right or whether you believe you are wrong, you're right!"

Until Next Post,