Wednesday, November 14, 2012


How Embarrassing!

Morning All,
I know I haven't written in a while, for a couple of reasons, the lack of material from the class', the volume of assignment work and life in general just got in the way. But I was exercised yesterday by the sheer lack of respect some of the class have shown towards the course itself. I know there will be confusion and misunderstanding and some of this not helped by the sometimes murky and garbled information provided by the BIP Team themselves.

However, not withstanding the few instances of misinformation from the course organisers, WE ARE NOT BABIES, If I was a lecturer who walked into a class full of MATURE STUDENTS (average age supposedly 48, not me) I wouldn't expect to be met with questions about areas already very clearly covered in the course material already provided or covered in lectures dedicated to the subject, namely the projects. I also would not expect to be met with a group speaking over itself, there were so many voices at one stage yesterday I don't know how any sane person would have been expected to deal with it! Example, the majority of the class were contradicting each other and also the lecturer despite not having read their emails which clearly clarified the Project Management matter, now put this into a work situation (which we are all supposed to be working towards) and we went into a business meeting without all the facts, FIRED is a word that comes to mind. Nobody has the right to contradict or confuse the situation without reading the information provided by the course whether that be Assignment Brief's, Schedule's or indeed Course Emails. There will be some of you out there who will say I don't have access to my email/computer/course details all the time, fair enough, but then don't waste my time and your classmates time arguing the toss about a project or other subject when you know already that you haven't read the information provided.

Finally, KUDOS to MICHAEL REGAN, who may at times be a pompous ass, but showed more backbone than our elected representatives (surprise surprise, similar to that of real life TD's) to stop the infuriating madness yesterday. He voiced the concerns of an overwhelming amount of the class that had in fact read the information provided and understood it. He, like me, was frustrated to the point of madness with the lack of understanding shown by a class with a 'wealth of experience' like we are supposed to have in the way they blatantly displayed their lack of knowledge of provided course/project materials.

Rant Over, but take note, I, like Michael Regan et al, am here to learn and there a significant amount of the class that would rather bitch and moan than actually take some self responsibility and act like a MATURE STUDENT and get on with it, we wonder then why the country is the way it is, a perfect mini example of it's the STATE's FUALT SYNDROME!

Until Next Time

The Blipping Student